Monday, April 11, 2011

Assignment 2 - 1 Malaysia Flash

To do this assignment. I first open my Adobe Flash CS5.

1. When asked to select. I chose ActionScript 3.0.

2. Then I adjusted the frame rates to 20 frames per second(FPS) and I adjusted the size of the frame to 320 x 240 px.

3. I clicked on "File" and selected "Import" and then selected "Import to Library..." to import my Assignment 1 PSD file.

4. First, I create a layer named "Black Screen" because I will be putting a black rectangular on the mainframe. Then I dragged a picture layer named "Baju Melayu" from the library into a layer I created and named the layer "Baju Melayu Intro" because this will be the introduction of the short video and after that I converted it into a Movie Clip.

5. At the 10th frame, I inserted a keyframe by hitting the F6 key. Then I dragged the Baju Melayu into the mainframe and I created a Classic Tween so that it will slide in.

6. At the 20th frame, I inserted another keyframe and moved the Baju Melayu a little bit more and created a Classic Tween. After that I created a new layer and dragged the "Baju Kebaya" and naming it "Baju Kebaya Intro" and again, I coverted it into Movie Clip.

7. I will be doing the same thing with the Baju Kebaya as I do with the Baju Melayu just in different frames. At the 30th frame I inserted another keyframe. So it makes every tween has a 10 frames duration. But this time I am making the Baju Melayu move and fade away at the same time. I move the Baju Melayu first before making it fade away and created a Classic Tween. Then I chose "Alpha " and dragged it to 0% so that the visibility is reduced to none.

8. After doing this, I did the same thing with the "Baju Kebaya, Chang Pao, Cheongsam, Dhoti and Sari" which is by dragging them into individual layers and named the layers with a "Intro" behind. I also converted them into Movie Clips.

9. From frame 150 until frame 200, I added two layers which I named them "Typography" and "Background". Then I made the Black Screen slowly fade away using the method like the Baju Melayu. This will make the Typography and Background slowly reveal their visibility.

10. At frame 200, I then added 6 layers naming them "Baju Melayu, Baju Kebaya, Chang Pao, Cheongsam, Dhoti and Sari" accordingly which I will then drag the pictures from the library and placing them on their layers.

11. Then, at different layers, I inserted different keyframes for each of them in order for them to appear at different times. Then I set all their visibilities on the 200th frame to 0% and created Classic Tween for all the layers.

12. After all 6 layers appeared, I used the Black Screen layer to create a Classic Tween from frame 285 until frame 300 and set it's visibility to 100% so that the screen will slowly black out. After all this is done, I exported a SWF file and saved the FLA file.

The End.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

E-Wallpaper - Part 3

Okay, these are the Before and After pictures of my E-Wallpaper.

Before - Sketches

After - Finished Work

E-Wallpaper - Part 2

This will be the second part of my E-Wallpaper.

On this post I will continue my E-Wallpaper by creating a background for it.

I've selected a picture of lanterns for my background. Then I did the same thing like before which I selected the whole picture and copied it to the E-Wallpaper project board.

I shall name this layer "Lanterns".

Now this layer has totally blocked the dragon. So all I have to do is just click on the Lantern layer and drag it downwards which will be below the Dragon Dance layer so that the lanterns will look like the background of the dragon.

Now, the picture isn't look very nice because the dragon and the lanterns do share the same colour - Red. In order to make the dragon stand out, I can drop some shadow on it. So I click on the Dragon layer and click on the button below which is the button that indicates "fx" for Add a Layer Style and choose Drop Shadow.

I can adjust the shadow manually so that I can be satisfied with the results. Here are the adjustments I did.

After this, I found out that blurring the background is another good way to let the dragon stand out. So I selected on the Blur Tool to do so. Now the dragon is in front but I want to have a full view of the lanterns. So I just click on the Eyes at the layering menu which will turn the visibility of the dragon off.

After this is done, I think I'll add in an ingot. I've imported a picture with an ingot and used the Quick Selection Tool to highlight the ingot and copied it over to the E-Wallpaper board and named the layer "Ingot".

Now I need to make the ingot brighter and shinier. So I click on the Image button and then the Adjustment button, then I select the Brightness and Contrast option.

I drag both the Brightness and Contrast bar to make the ingot shine more.

After editing the ingot, I went on and added in some Ang Pows. I copied the picture over to the board.

Then I clicked on the Add Vector Mask button for masking the Ang Pows. Then I select the Brush Tool and set the foreground to black to mask the Ang Pows. After masking I name this layer "Ang Pows" for specifications.

After the masking the Ang Pows I dragged it to a preferred position and I deleted the background by clicking on the background layer and clicking on the rubbish bin symbol.

Now it's time to add in some letters. So I pressed the T button which is Type Tool for writting the CHINESE NEW YEAR words. I just click on the picture so that I can start typing. After typing I click on the Tick button for Accept. After that I right-clicked on the layer and select "Resterize Layer". Then I Free-Transformed the words and enlarged the size of the words.

When I'm satisfied I right-clicked on layer again but this time I selected the "Blending Options" and clicked on the "Outer Glow" to make the words stand out with a glow. These are the adjustments below that I made.

But then I looked at the picture again and found that the background is still kind of bright. Maybe it's the red that needs some editing. So I select on the "Lantern" layer again. And I clicked on the Image Button then selected Adjustment and clicked on the "Selective Colours". When the option popped out, I chose red and adjusted the black which could also tune the brightness or the red without affecting other colours much.

With a better background, it's time to add in some Chinese characters. So I did the same thing with the Chinese characters as how I did with the English characters. After that I added my name with the same effect. And I'm all done.